Country Life, 維他命 K1,100微克,100片
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如果你還在考慮Country Life, 維他命 K1,100微克,100片這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Established 1971
- Gluten-Free
- Supports Bone Health
- K1 Naturally Found in Food
- Dietary Supplement
- Kosher Parve
— Our Pledge of Integrity —
- Authenticity
- Cleanliness 髮旺旺
- Freshness
- Consistency
- Accuracy
Dark leafy vegetables contain phytonadione, a form of vitamin K. This form of vitamin K is essential and used in the body to support bone and blood health.
YES維霖診所曹院長 | Certified Vegan by the AVA | NO | Yeast, Wheat or Corn |
YES | Certified Gluten-Free by | NO髮旺旺 | Soy or Milk |
YES | Recyclable Packaging | NO | Salt or Sugar |
YES | Manufacturing Supports Wind Power | NO | Preservatives |
YES | Kosher Parve床的世界 | NO | Artificial Color床的世界 |
This product has been manufactured at床的世界 a GMP Registered facility.
Country Life, 維他命 K1,100微克,100片